AK-1 自动折叠电动自行车

AK-1 is a new generation of personal mobility. It's a foldable electric bike that you can easily park anywhere. It can reach speeds of 20 MPH for up to 22 miles on a single charge.
AK-1是新一代的个人出行方式。 这是一款可折叠的电动自行车,您可以轻松地将其停在任何地方。 一次充电可达到20英里/小时的速度,长达22英里。
The design is inspired by triangles which symbolizes stability and speed. I want it to look like a cool technology and a sense of aggression.

设计灵感来自三角形,象征着稳定性和速度。 我希望它看起来像一个很酷的技术和侵略性。

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